Friday, 11 February 2011

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The main technology program I have used is photo shop to develop my three pages (Front cover, content page and double page spread) correcting the size of the page for instance the double page spread has to be landscape and different to the front and content page. The photographs I took had a white background so it was easier to use the lasso and polygonal lasso tool to cut just the models body out to lay on the page with a clear background to write text. Plus using the ruler lines to line up each block of text makes the layout neater and perfectly in line with the images and headlines. The colours worked well using red for the questions, title, quotes and headlines which are the key written elements in the magazine. The black was used for most of the text on the double spread interview with the band. All the photographs I converted into black and white to give it a different aspect for the magazine, plus it worked well with the red. I used Flickr once for my preliminary task analysing a college lifestyle magazine front cover then uploading it to blogger where my entire appendix main task planning work is at and all my other projects for my music magazine. Plus the internet to gain research on other music magazine website for instance on what they have in there magazine.

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